
Feature: Firewall support

Tinyblargon opened this issue · 2 comments

Planning to add support for configuring the firewall. Already started working on a schema, expect a proposal in the coming week.

Hi @Tinyblargon , thanks for the work on this one. If I can be of any help, let me know. The firewall is something I would like to see here and in the Terraform provider. As I'm new to programming Go and Terraform providers in that context, I'm keen to support with stuff where I can learn things.

@JamborJan Thanks for wanting to help out. The best way to contribute would be to look at the TODO comments in the code as these are small changes. Up to now we have only created issues for the big changes that require some planning. If you have any questions about the code style and structure, please refer to the SDK Style Guide instead of the code in the project (we haven't had time to re-style most things). If you have found something you want to contribute with please create an Issue for it. Feel free to ask if anything is unclear. 😄