
Applying spin and sizing

benr77 opened this issue · 2 comments

Previously I used Vuetify and inserted an icon like

<v-icon>loading mdi-spin mdi-36px</v-icon

Now I'm using this library and doing

import { mdiLoading } from '@mdi/js';

The icon itself is working just fine.

Is it possible to attach the spin and size modifications when using the icons in this way?

Thank you


Documented above. You want to use the component documented above. It's made by one of our core members, so it might move into @mdi/* when I get a second.

Thank you for your response. For future reference, I actually went a different direction - the package you referred me to does not seem to support spin and sizing any more than Vuetify's <v-icon> does, and seems to duplicate the Vuetify functionality. I admit I spent only a very short time assessing this so could easily be wrong.

Instead, I just went for some raw CSS based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/42745673/3877234

.icon-spinner {
    animation: spin-animation 1.5s infinite;
    display: inline-block;

@keyframes spin-animation {
    0% {
        transform: rotate(0deg);
    100% {
        transform: rotate(359deg);

Followed by the component

<v-icon class="icon-spinner" x-large>{{ iconLoading }}</v-icon>

This solution is pretty lightweight, configurable, and should work with any icon pack.