
About scheduler_lock

4kangjc opened this issue · 11 comments

// This lock is held when the fiber is in state-transition (e.g., from running
// to suspended). This is required since it's inherent racy when we add
// ourselves into some wait-chain (and eventually woken up by someone else)
// and go to sleep. The one who wake us up can be running in a different
// pthread, and therefore might wake us up even before we actually went sleep.
// So we always grab this lock before transiting the fiber's state, to ensure
// that nobody else can change the fiber's state concurrently.
// For waking up a fiber, this lock is grabbed by whoever the waker;
// For a fiber to go to sleep, this lock is grabbed by the fiber itself and
// released by *`SchedulingGroup`* (by the time we're sleeping, we cannot
// release the lock ourselves.).
// This lock also protects us from being woken up by several pthread
// concurrently (in case we waited on several waitables and have not removed
// us from all of them before more than one of then has fired.).
Spinlock scheduler_lock;

// Argument `context` (i.e., `this`) is only used the first time the context
// is jumped to (in `FiberProc`).
jump_context(&caller->state_save_area, state_save_area, this);

或许可以利用一下这个Argument contextfiber切换过去再将caller fiberState改变,状态改变的时候就不需要这把锁了?

inline void FiberEntity::Resume() noexcept {
  state = FiberState::Running;
  // Argument `context`  set caller
  auto caller_ = jump_context(&caller->state_save_area, state_save_area, caller);
  // caller_ set nullptr when fiber return
  if (caller_) {
    static_cast<FiberEntity*>(caller_)->state = FiberState::Waiting;

static void FiberProc(void* context) {
  auto caller = reinterpret_cast<FiberEntity*>(context);
  caller->state = FiberState::Waiting;
  current_fiber->state = FiberState::Dead;

void FiberEntity::M_return(Function<void()>&& cb) noexcept {
  // set `resume_proc` ....
  state = FiberState::Running;
  // set Argument `context`  nullptr
  jump_context(&caller->state_save_area, state_save_area, nullptr);

// This lock is held when the fiber is in state-transition (e.g., from running
// to suspended). This is required since it's inherent racy when we add
// ourselves into some wait-chain (and eventually woken up by someone else)
// and go to sleep. The one who wake us up can be running in a different
// pthread, and therefore might wake us up even before we actually went sleep.
// So we always grab this lock before transiting the fiber's state, to ensure
// that nobody else can change the fiber's state concurrently.
// For waking up a fiber, this lock is grabbed by whoever the waker;
// For a fiber to go to sleep, this lock is grabbed by the fiber itself and
// released by *`SchedulingGroup`* (by the time we're sleeping, we cannot
// release the lock ourselves.).
// This lock also protects us from being woken up by several pthread
// concurrently (in case we waited on several waitables and have not removed
// us from all of them before more than one of then has fired.).
Spinlock scheduler_lock;

// Argument `context` (i.e., `this`) is only used the first time the context
// is jumped to (in `FiberProc`).
jump_context(&caller->state_save_area, state_save_area, this);

或许可以利用一下这个Argument contextfiber切换过去再将caller fiberState改变,状态改变的时候就不需要这把锁了?

inline void FiberEntity::Resume() noexcept {
  state = FiberState::Running;
  // Argument `context`  set caller
  auto caller_ = jump_context(&caller->state_save_area, state_save_area, caller);
  // caller_ set nullptr when fiber return
  if (caller_) {
    static_cast<FiberEntity*>(caller_)->state = FiberState::Waiting;

static void FiberProc(void* context) {
  auto caller = reinterpret_cast<FiberEntity*>(context);
  caller->state = FiberState::Waiting;
  current_fiber->state = FiberState::Dead;

void FiberEntity::M_return(Function<void()>&& cb) noexcept {
  // set `resume_proc` ....
  state = FiberState::Running;
  // set Argument `context`  nullptr
  jump_context(&caller->state_save_area, state_save_area, nullptr);

curren_fiber的设置在yield之前设置应该没问题吧, 如果有问题的话,context就设置成这个吧

struct jump_context_data {
  FiberEntity* self, *caller;





比如SchedulingGroup::RemoteAcquireFiber就是用来将fiber在scheduling group之间迁移的


比如SchedulingGroup::RemoteAcquireFiber就是用来将fiber在scheduling group之间迁移的


// GetId()?





thread id也有errno这个问题吗

// GetId()?

// `GetId()`?

std::uint64_t debugging_fiber_id;

thread id也有errno这个问题吗

有,其实用到thread-local storage都有可能有问题



thread id也有errno这个问题吗

有,其实用到thread-local storage都有可能有问题




// `GetId()`?
