requirements.txt installs numpy>=1.21 citing numba, numba setup asks for numpy >= 1.21
xvdp opened this issue · 0 comments
xvdp commented
It appears that numba has been updated since this project was uploaded. If one looks in the numba setup file.
min_numpy_build_version = "1.11"
min_numpy_run_version = "1.21"
build_requires = ['numpy >={}'.format(min_numpy_build_version)]
install_requires = [
'llvmlite >={},<{}'.format(min_llvmlite_version, max_llvmlite_version),
'numpy >={}'.format(min_numpy_run_version),
'importlib_metadata; python_version < "3.9"',
At any rate that is overwritten by facexlib which if installed after vqfr reinstalls the later versions.