
Missing Flows API call

fbalak opened this issue · 6 comments

Document docs/overview.adoc describes Flows API call but when I call:

curl  -H "Authorization: bearer valid_token" -XGET

I receive:

404 Not Found

Documentation should be updated or the API call should be provided properly.

r0h4n commented

May I know what this API was used for ?

@Tendrl/frontend @fbalak

IIRC it used to list all possible REST endpoints at top level ....

Looks like this was removed back in September. Not sure about the motives.

Earlier the pattern of RESt endpoints was different and as per discussion it was changed.
For example the endpoint for importing the cluster was http://{host}/api/1.0/ImportCluster with data {'TendrlContext.integration_id': <int-id>, "Node[]": <list of node-ids>}.
Later the endpoints were reformed and now import cluster endpoint looks like http://{host}/api/1.0/clusters/{int-id}/import.

I remember the endpoint /Flows was required in old style of endpoint and same is not required anymore. I feel that was motive to remove the endpoint. @nthomas-redhat @r0h4n comments

Motive seems to be moving flows to jobs as well. Earlier, jobs were called flows in the code.
As far as usmqe/usmqe-tests#128 is concerned, the right way would be to use the documented API for checking authentication, i.e. /current_user: https://github.com/Tendrl/api/blob/eccd387c42f17c910a6f7104bcba7e88390a154d/docs/users.adoc#current-user

usmqe/usmqe-tests#129 can also be closed, unless there is a specific need for exposing Flows as API.

@shirshendu Functionality of listing all endpoints on a given API level is not covered by any other API call that is available now but I agree that there is no need to have API call /Flows now after change of pattern of REST endpoints. I will close usmqe/usmqe-tests#129.