Unable to find appropriate IRC details for Tendrl
srijitamukherjee opened this issue · 4 comments
srijitamukherjee commented
Being a new contributor, I tried searching for a community communication methods, but found no IRC channels mentioned, nor could i find mailing list info.
mbukatov commented
Welcome, on github page for Tendrl organization there is a link to tendrl.org site, which is the main webpage of the project and refers to the irc channel in it's community section:
Find us on irc.freenode.net #tendrl-devel
r0h4n commented
@mbukatov I think the individual repos or atleast the Documentation repo should have mention to the IRC and mailing list info.
mbukatov commented
@r0h4n I have no problem with that. I guess it the best place would be a README file, because it's most visible.
sankarshanmukhopadhyay commented
I'll open up an issue to have a new-contributor-onboarding file added.