
Logs into the Windows 7 Lock Screen so you can programatically unlock the windows 7 lock screen

How it works

Once injected, it reads the password to type from the file passwordFileName. You should change this file name or use another method to pass the password to the dll such as using RPM, WPM, dll exports, shared memory, sockets, or enviorment variables. I used a text file since its a fast and simple solution.

It finds the "Logon Window" using FindWindow. Only the LogonUI.exe process and proceses started by it will have access to the window handles.

From there, it sets focus to it and uses SendInput to simulate typing in the password and the return key. The dll has no error reporting so if anything goes wrong, you'll need to debug it yourself.

After the attempt, it unloads the dll so it can be retried if nessesary.

How to use it

Inject the dll into the LogonUI.exe when the lock screen is shown. You can use MemoryMapping, SetWindowsHook, or CreateRemoteThread passing the file name address as the lparam, after writing the string to an allocated page of process's memory.

There is a sample console project you can use. It locks the screen, then unlocks it 5 seconds later using the password you define in the sample.cpp file.