
A Discord Bot that primarily plays chatsounds from a specific Garry's Mod addon, and has support for custom color roles. Has issues.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Requires NodeJS v8/v10 and npm.

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Open a command prompt inside of the directory you cloned or extracted.
  3. Run npm i to install the bot's dependencies.
    • Optionally, run npm i discordapp/erlpack for significantly faster WebSocket data (de)serialisation. This requires node-gyp, here's how to install its requirements properly.
  4. Run node index.js or npm start to start the bot.
    • npm start uses start.sh which is a bash script, expected to run on Linux. Don't expect it to work with Windows... unless you know what you're doing.


See config.json.example, and create your own config.json. You need to configure 3 fields using the JSON format:

  • token: The Discord token string for your bot account. Get one from https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/.
  • log: Whether or not to print stuff console. Boolean defaulting to true.
  • ownerId: A string or array of Discord user account IDs that will be able to run critical commands on the bot such as eval, exec, ...

I'll fill out more information later.