
teradata.tdrest trims leading spaces

padhia opened this issue · 2 comments

Leading spaces seem to be always removed when running queries using teradata.tdrest module. For example, following code returns a result set with spaces removed from the first column but the length calculation includes the spaces.

import teradata

conn = teradata.tdrest.connect(host='localhost', system='mytd', username='dbc', password='******')
csr = conn.cursor()
csr.execute("select '    <- leading spaces' as col, length(col) as col_len")

When I tried running the same query interactively using REST API /systems/{system}/queries, I get the same result so I am pretty sure the issue is not with the teradata.tdrest module, but is either with the REST API or some incorrect configuration that I can't seem to be able to figure out. However, if I change Format from OBJECT to CSV in the interactive POST method, the leading spaces are retained.

The above was tested with TD 15.10, TD REST API, teradata module at on a Linux machine running Python 3.5.2.

This indeed looks like a bug with Teradata REST. I've reported the issue to the TDREST support team. I will update and close this issue once I have the bug reference number.

REST-455 was opened to track this issue.