
Minor compile error due to NameGenerator change

Cervator opened this issue · 2 comments

org.terasology.namegenerator.generators.MarkovNameGenerator#getName(int, int, long) in NameGenerator was changed to use a long instead of a String, but org.terasology.herbalism.HerbNameProvider#getName in WoodAndStone was still using the String version mixing together genera and family in the seed.

@MarcinSc - do you need the extra complexity in determining the seed value to use?

@msteiger - can you look at this and maybe do a simple conversion to long so it'll work again? I figure it is easy but wanted to double check since you made the change :-)

I thought, I've fixed it already...

Oh, never mind! You snuck that in while I was traveling. Still had the old version in my workspace, all better now :)