
Developing new NAME WPS on JASMIN

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @TeriForey,
I hope you are well. After a long time of no funding/effort, we are now making progress on updating and deploying a WPS running NAME on JASMIN. The Met Office is providing a set of requirements and the interactions with LOTUS are being removed as we are using a bespoke WPS cluster. Work is now being carried out in this repository:


I just wanted to let you know that we are finally getting on to this - and that we are building on your initial work.
All the best, Ag

Hi Ag, thank you for letting me know, it's great to hear that work is in progress! I wish you all the best with it, and hope that my initial work is still helpful.

Hi @TeriForey,
Thanks, and yes - your work is a great starting point :-)