
‘Shared Power’ is an information system to help tradesmen share expensive and specialist tools rather than buying them themselves.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


‘Shared Power’ is an information system to help tradesmen share expensive and specialist tools rather than buying them themselves.

Registered owners add details of the tools they have available including the per day and per half day rate for each unit. Other registered users can hire the tools. They can search and check the availability of a tool, up to 6 weeks in advance. If a tool is available it can booked for up to 3 days.

Although tools are usually collected by the hiring user it is possible to arrange a dispatch rider to pick-up or drop off in urgent situations. There would be a charge for this additional service.

Returning a tool late is fined at double the day rate for every day it is missing.

Invoices are produced for all users on a monthly basis. The invoice includes the hire charges for that month together with any delivery costs and late fees. A flat charge of £5 is added to all bills for insurance.

When tools are booked in or out notes (and possibly photos) on the condition of the tool are uploaded to the system. If there is a serious issue of damage or wear with a unit, then the insurance company investigates to determine who is at fault and if necessary pays for the repair of the tool. When tools are being repaired they are unavailable for hire.


To install the requirements necessarily to run this project run the following command

pip install -r requirements.txt