
This is an example of how TerosHDL can generate your documentation project from the command line. So you can integrate it in your CI workflow.

Primary LanguagePython

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Ismael Pérez Rojo: ismaelprojo@gmail.com
Carlos Alberto Ruiz Naranjo carlosruiznaranjo@gmail.com
Teros Technology: terostechnology@gmail.com

TerosHDL CLI examples

This is an example of how TerosHDL can generate your documentation project from the command line. So you can integrate it in your CI workflow.

Feel free to do a PR with your favourite open source proyect: https://github.com/TerosTechnology/teroshdl-documenter-demo/blob/main/config.yml

I want to use TerosHDL

Check the documentation: https://terostechnology.github.io/terosHDLdoc/

It uses the TerosHDL CLI version: https://github.com/TerosTechnology/colibri

Also you can use TerosHDL IDE: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=teros-technology.teroshdl