
Mutual contacts count in search results

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi! You wrote very interesting lib! Thank you very much for it.

I can't understand how to use your protocol documentation. For example looks like https://github.com/Terrance/SkPy.docs/blob/master/background/protocol/contacts.rst contains demanded feature for me — search of contacts in Skype. And I would like to see how many of common contacts has this new contacts from search. But I can't understand how to use it.

Also I didn't find how I can send contact request to found contact.

And separate question: does Skype have any limits on creating of group chats for one user?

You mention both the library and the HTTP protocol; which are you actually using?

Assuming the lib, you should be reading the API docs rather than the protocol -- see SkypeContacts.

You mention both the library and the HTTP protocol; which are you actually using?

Assuming the lib, you should be reading the API docs rather than the protocol -- see SkypeContacts.

I use only library. As I understand protocol is more low-level, that better not to see.

SkypeContacts.search() is that I need, thanks. And how can I fetch how many of common contacts quantity does this contact have? I can't find in SkypeContacts object.

By the way, would be good to make method on SkypeUser like is_contact? Which allows me to understand did I have any conversations with this man?

how can I fetch how many of common contacts quantity does this contact have?

Previously Skype didn't expose this information, but it looks like they've redone search to show a mutual count. Pull requests are open if you wish to add it.

would be good to make method on SkypeUser like is_contact

Retrieved user objects aren't aware of your contact list, but you can try retrieving their identifier from SkypeContacts, i.e. isinstance(sk.contacts[user.id], SkypeContact) (the key lookup will return a SkypeUser or None if not a contact).

Previously Skype didn't expose this information, but it looks like they've redone search to show a mutual count. Pull requests are open if you wish to add it

Do you have any recommendations what I have to learn to be able to create this feature? It is really very demanded and useful for me.

You'll need to use your browser dev tools against Skype for Web to find the HTTP request that happens when you run a search, and update SkypeContacts.search() to call that endpoint.

Any news, mate? From my research, the problem is, that you use v1.1 there

API_DIRECTORY = "https://skypegraph.skype.com/search/v1.1/namesearch/swx/"

But today is something like that in browser

And few new headers, as I understand, like x-ecs-etag and x-skypegraphservicesettings.

sessionId, as I understand, is the same as your endpoints https://skpy.t.allofti.me/reference/internal.html?highlight=skypeendpoint#skpy.conn.SkypeEndpoint. But another headers a bit can't understand about what are they and how are they optional.

Can you help a bit? In this api version there is key mutualFriendCount in response