
Iterate Over More Than 10 Chats

eth opened this issue · 5 comments

eth commented

Hey, I'm unable to iterate over my chats, when I run this code it'll print 10 chats, and then when I just call sk.chats.recent() normally I only get 10 as well. Is there a better way to do this or to iterate through all chats? Ideally I would like to pull every group chat I'm in.

Account type


Conversation details

Group, desktop & mobile

Steps to reproduce

>>> while True: ... for id in sk.chats.recent(): ... print(id) ... else: # No more chats returned. ... break

Result or traceback

eth commented

Just looping over it in a for-loop seems to do the trick!

eth commented

You've already posted chat iteration code wrapped with a while loop that achieves this.

The while loop (also provided on https://skpy.t.allofti.me/guides/chats.html#iterating-chats) is actually equivalent to its nested for:

while True:
    for id in sk.chats.recent():
        break  # executes in any case

From Python docs (https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/controlflow.html#break-and-continue-statements-and-else-clauses-on-loops):

a loop’s else clause runs when no break occurs

Inside the body of the for loop, no break occurs.

To get all chats, the following code can be used:

def get_id2chat(sk):
    id2chat = {}
    while id2chat_recent := sk.chats.recent():
    return id2chat

Ah, this is indeed a doc bug (fixed here).

To get all chats, the following code can be used

As noted in the updated example, you can also just populate the cache and use sk.chats directly, which can be iterated over to work with each chat, or used like a dict for key lookups, rather than building a second mapping.