
Level files with bad XML load into broken main campaign

Fussmatte opened this issue · 0 comments

This was discovered by @Dav999-v the other week when he tried to download a level file via Google Drive's text file viewer. It turned out that two newlines were shoved into the middle of an <edLevelClass> tag, causing an XML parsing error. In 2.4, this leads to the level loading incorrectly in a very weird way, as it throws the player right here into the main game's overworld (the very bottom right corner, 20,20):
Main game mode is essentially loaded with a blank slate, with no trinkets or crewmates found and a recorded playtime of zero.

This will happen if any XML parsing errors occur at all, no matter how early or late into the file, but only if the <MetaData> tag has been found without issues (which can as simple as writing <MetaData></MetaData>, as the game doesn't really care if the actual info tags are missing). If the <MetaData> tag can't be parsed correctly then the level won't show up in the list at all.

This behaviour is actually completely different from the previous two releases. In 2.2, the game would throw you into a blank 5x5 map, as could be expected. 2.3 will just crash entirely.