
Skipping cut-scenes (outside of deathless)

zeusdeegoose opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be really nice to have a feature to skip cut-scenes outside of deathless runs (or auto-advance for that matter). Deathless DOES have this feature, but it'd be nice to see this in the main game. I noticed 2.3 (or some update in between 2.3 and 3DS) does make it so you can mash Space for faster dialogue, but one simple key would make it more convenient. It'd make speedrunning and repeat playthroughs for achievements much easier. I think Control or Shift would be the most convenient place for the skipping cutscenes button.

I would add skipping cutscenes, but I'm not sure how the speedrunners would react. I'm also in favor of adding an auto-advance button.

I noticed 2.3 (or some update in between 2.3 and 3DS) does make it so you can mash Space for faster dialogue, but one simple key would make it more convenient.

That's always been possible for any ACTION key, so not sure what update you're talking about.

That's always been possible for any ACTION key, so not sure what update you're talking about.

That might've be a erroneous memory on my part - on 3DS I could've sworn you couldn't mash as fast as the PC version.

That might've be a erroneous memory on my part - on 3DS I could've sworn you couldn't mash as fast as the PC version.

3DS is a fork of the PC version by Nicalis based on 2.1. So for all intents and purposes, the 3DS version is essentially unaffiliated. No PC development has continued on it since then. Therefore there's no update "in between 2.3 and 3DS". Mashing ACTION has always been possible on PC.

Ah, thanks for the clarification

Just thought of an idea. The speedrunners would probably be fine with skipping cutscenes entirely if they were implemented by fast-forwarding the game while doing perfect text mashing, so side effects like stopping player movement and adding to the timer are completely identical to non-cutscene-skipping runs.