
V-model and async messed up selected value

tanyudii opened this issue · 8 comments

Hi, sorry if this topic already discussed but as I see most of them are in Chinese which I don't understand. I have difficulties in selecting the value when I use v-model and aysnc request to server for the data. The values selected are all replaced by the values from the server. If I see the log, everytime I select an option, it requests to server again. Thanks

<no-ssr placeholder="Loading...">
	<v-selectpage :data="MY_SERVER_ENDPOINT"
				  title="Select Currency"

What version of v-selectpage are you using now?

What version of v-selectpage are you using now?

I'm using v-selectpage v2.0.2,

this is my example in sandbox

Hi, will this be resolved?

Hi, will this be resolved?

i'don't know, me to waiting for update

I was been busy these days, really sorry.

Hi, do you have an estimate when this might be resolved?

@tanyudii @andrewjackroyd @NeilMaude @shiayoung

Please upgrade v-selectpage to 2.1.0 to solved this problem.