
division by zero in BMS analog data

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I do have 10 Gobel Batteries, ID 2 is actually not connected.

The 2.2.3 dev Version is installed, 2.2.2 did not work even with the first Battery ID.

It is recognized:
BMS serial connected
BMS Version: P16S200A-21606-2.02

Then, the Pack 1 is read. Pack 2 is not existent, so 0 ist o.k.
But after this and the division by 0 no further packs are read.

Do you have a clue what I can do to get all existing 9 into HA?


Pack 1, V Cell3: 3285 mV
Pack 1, V Cell4: 3286 mV
Pack 1, V Cell5: 3288 mV
Pack 1, V Cell6: 3287 mV
Pack 1, V Cell7: 3286 mV
Pack 1, V Cell8: 3287 mV
Pack 1, V Cell9: 3286 mV
Pack 1, V Cell10: 3286 mV
Pack 1, V Cell11: 3287 mV
Pack 1, V Cell12: 3283 mV
Pack 1, V Cell13: 3285 mV
Pack 1, V Cell14: 3286 mV
Pack 1, V Cell15: 3287 mV
Pack 1, V Cell16: 3287 mV
Pack 1, Cell Max Diff Volt Calc: 5 mV
Pack 1, Total temperature sensors: 6
Pack 1, Temp1: 9.9 ℃
Pack 1, Temp2: 9.9 ℃
Pack 1, Temp3: 9.7 ℃
Pack 1, Temp4: 9.8 ℃
Pack 1, Temp5: 11.0 ℃
Pack 1, Temp6: 12.1 ℃
Pack 1, I Pack: -4.08 A
Pack 1, V Pack: 52.578 V
Pack 1, I Remaining Capacity: 174680 mAh
Pack 1, I Full Capacity: 279460 mAh
Pack 1, SOC: 62.51 %
Pack 1, Cycles: 19
Pack 1, Design Capacity: 280000 mAh
Pack 1, SOH: 99.81 %
Pack 2, Total cells: 16
Pack 2, V Cell1: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell2: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell3: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell4: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell5: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell6: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell7: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell8: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell9: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell10: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell11: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell12: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell13: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell14: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell15: 0 mV
Pack 2, V Cell16: 0 mV
Pack 2, Cell Max Diff Volt Calc: 0 mV
Pack 2, Total temperature sensors: 6
Pack 2, Temp1: 0.0 ℃
Pack 2, Temp2: 0.0 ℃
Pack 2, Temp3: 0.0 ℃
Pack 2, Temp4: 0.0 ℃
Pack 2, Temp5: 0.0 ℃
Pack 2, Temp6: 0.0 ℃
Pack 2, I Pack: 0.0 A
Pack 2, V Pack: 0.0 V
Pack 2, I Remaining Capacity: 0 mAh
Pack 2, I Full Capacity: 0 mAh
Error parsing BMS analog data: division by zero
Error retrieving BMS analog data: Error parsing BMS analog data: division by zero
Pack Remaining Capacity: 174670 mAh
Pack Full Capacity: 279460 mAh
Pack Design Capacity: 280000 mAh
Pack SOC: 62.5 %
Pack SOH: 99.81 %
Packs for warnings: 10
Pack 1, warnings:
Pack 1, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 1, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 2, warnings: cell 1 < low limit, cell 2 < low limit, cell 3 < low limit, cell 4 < low limit, cell 5 < low limit, cell 6 < low limit, cell 7 < low limit, cell 8 < low limit, cell 9 < low limit, cell 10 < low limit, cell 11 < low limit, cell 12 < low limit, cell 13 < low limit, cell 14 < low limit, cell 15 < low limit, cell 16 < low limit, total voltage < low limit
Pack 2, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 2, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 3, warnings:
Pack 3, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 3, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 4, warnings:
Pack 4, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 4, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 5, warnings:
Pack 5, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 5, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 6, warnings:
Pack 6, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 6, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 7, warnings:
Pack 7, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 7, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 8, warnings:
Pack 8, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 8, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 9, warnings:
Pack 9, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 9, balancing2: 00000000
Pack 10, warnings: Warning State 2: Low power warn
Pack 10, balancing1: 00000000
Pack 10, balancing2: 00000000
Publishing HA Discovery topic...
Error parsing BMS analog data: division by zero
Error retrieving BMS analog data: Error parsing BMS analog data: division by zero

Hello again.
Yesterday I replaced the missing Battery #2. After that the Addon did start fluently.
I still do have two "wishes":
@Tertiush - maybe you can check for the division by zero when one battery ID is not available, so the Addon does not stop working. This can occur and should not make data collection impossible.
And maybe there is a possibility to configure the cell amount, for not storing unneccessary data (in my case I do have data for 109 cells in HA, but only have 16 cells per pack.

Thank you!

If its not to much hassle, can you restart the addon with maximum debug levels and one of your packs turned off, to cause the error? I want to see at which place in the code it occurs (hoping the more verbose log will show where).

Hello again.
I did switch the 2nd pack off like when the original error occured.
Here is the file with the division by zero.
I hope this helps.


Hi, did you have time to look if my log does show any hint for the error?
How can I support you, I did not find a link for that.

Thank you, all fine.

I added a catch for this error, but not willing to go any further as it risks breaking other things..... Hopefully it resolves the issue though🤞

Thank you for your effort. Will close the issue and open a new issue (hopefully not) if the error will occur again.
@Tertiush did you include the hint of @asdt1803 when correcting the code?
Have a good time.

Error actually not ocurred anymore.