
Simple Digest Cloning Tool

tnrich opened this issue · 3 comments

@gmcarthuriv Here's where I'm thinking the UI could go on adding a simple digest cloning tool:


I think the "Select Compatible Overhangs" step will need the most fine tuning. We'll probably need to discuss what information would need to go there to allow the user to make an informed decision. I think when the user selects an overhang option then the sequence visualizations above should update to show where the digests fragments land on the sequences above.

Also once the user selects a valid set of overhangs then step 3 "Digestion Products" should also update to show additional sequence previews (similar style to the visualizations above in step 1 but with a Download button).

We have a lot of interest in this feature. Currently, our cloners use a separate tool to do this that allows them to take overhangs from different cutsites and modify them by chewing off part of one overhang or filling in a gap with a complementing base. Let me know how I can help.

jobabi commented

We would love this feature

tnrich commented

@ericsturman @jobabi sorry this feature got put on hold for quite a while. I am still quite busy working on other features (currently working on a generic CSV upload helper).
@ericsturman I think something that would be helpful would be to get a set of mockups/rough diagrams for how the UI should flow in conjunction with the high level algorithm for how the restriction sites should be detected and presented to the user. Dunno if that might be something you'd still be interested in helping with 😜