
Teselagen Open Source modules

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Teselagen's Open Source Mono Repo


@teselagen/ove (open-source vector editor - a tool for viewing and manipulating DNA/AA sequences)

@teselagen/ui (reusable react components)

@teselagen/bio-parsers (parsers and formatters for genbank/fasta/json/snapgene/geneious/jbei-xml)

@teselagen/sequence-utils (util functions for working with biological sequences (dna/rna/protein))

@teselagen/range-utils (util functions for working with biological ranges e.g. {start: 2, end: 61})

@teselagen/file-utils (util functions for working with files and blobs)


This project welcomes contributions. Please have a look at the CONTRIBUTING file to learn about how to get started after a fresh clone.


All code from this repository is placed under the MIT License.

Publishing (works the same for all packages)

nx run ui:publish
nx run ove:publish
nx run-many --target=publish --projects=bio-parsers,ove,sequence-utils,ui

Publishing a beta version (for use when linking to a branch in another project)

nx run ui:publish-beta
nx run ove:publish-beta
nx run-many --target=publish-beta --projects=bio-parsers,ove,sequence-utils,ui