OVE: primer.color not working
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Hi @tnrich, I was playing around with the primer functionality for the app, and I noticed that the color property of the primers does not seem to work. Also, it seems that what is set in a given editor is applied to other editors as well. In my dummy example I have the component below, where all primers are shown in red, even if they have different colors.
I noticed the same happens in the hosted demo when loading a tesela json with different colors in primers.
hosted example: https://ove-playground.netlify.app/
Full code example: https://github.com/manulera/ove_playground
function EditorComparison() {
// Read a genbank file and display it in the main editor
const { parsedSequence } = genbankToJson(`LOCUS Untitled_Sequence 9 bp DNA circular SYN 03-JUN-2024
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
misc_feature complement(2..6)
/label="Mr Feature"
misc_feature 2..6
/label="Mr Feature 2"
1 gagagagag
// Change the strand and circularity of the sequence based on props
const processedSequence = tidyUpSequenceData(parsedSequence);
processedSequence.primers = [
type: "primer_bind",
strand: -1,
forward: false,
name: "T7",
start: 1,
end: 3,
annotationTypePlural: "primers",
id: "1",
color: "blue" // <<<<
type: "primer_bind",
strand: 1,
forward: true,
name: "blah",
start: 2,
end: 4,
annotationTypePlural: "primers",
id: "2",
color: "red" // <<<<
const store = useStore();
// Rendering code
const nodeRef = React.useRef(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
const editorProps = {
sequenceData: processedSequence,
updateEditor(store, 'mainEditor', editorProps);
editorProps.sequenceData.primers.forEach(p => (p.color = 'green')) // <<<<
updateEditor(store, 'mainEditor2', editorProps);
}, [parsedSequence]);
return (
<div className="App">
<Editor editorName='mainEditor' height='400'/>
<Editor editorName='mainEditor2' height='400'/>
@manulera do you think you can tinker with the code and try to come up with a fix for this issue? Hopefully won't be too crazy of a fix?
Ok! Will have a look. I was wondering if it was a known issue.
Well, that was easier than anticipated!