
Support for serializing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Does cysimdjson not support dumping/serializing a loaded JSON? I want to extract certain parts and then write them back to disk.

Thank you,

Hi Patrick,

This is indeed interesting ... but since cysimdjson is "just" a binding to https://github.com/simdjson/simdjson, the design philosophy is to offer what C++ API of SIMDJSON offers. And that is AFAIK parsing only. Also the idea of read-only dictionary-like (or list-like) objects as the output of the JSON parser makes a lot of sense e.g. from perspective of functional programming (see single static assignment).

On the other hand, your request makes sense from the practical perspective.
Maybe https://github.com/lemire can comment if there are such plans in SIMDJSON.


Hi @ateska
Thanks for coming back to my question. I was hoping that I can replace nlohmann/json with cysmindjson but it seems like serialization is not a feature coming soon to cysimdjson, see this issue.

Best regards,