
The implementation of Python Struct to Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

     _                   _      _     
 ___| |_ _ __ _   _  ___| |_   (_)___ 
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This is an implementation of Python Struct to Javascript.

The idea is to make an easy interface like python struct in javascript to parse strings as C Types.

What is done

  • Full unpack support. I implemented all types unpack from python struct
  • Big Endian and Little endian Support. You can choose the endianess like you do in python struct.
  • Make use of Typed Arrays, Array Buffer and DataView from HTML5 Spec


  • Packing functions.

How to use it

In python, you use something like that for an int 1234:

import struct
data = '\xd2\x04\x00\x00'
struct.unpack("I", data)    #   This will return (1234,)

So in struct.js you will do basicly the same:

var data = '\xd2\x04\x00\x00';
struct.unpack("I", data);   //   This will return [1234]

It works also for multiple packed data, in python:

import struct
data = '\xe0#\x00\x00\x00\x00(Aa'
struct.unpack("Ifc", data)  #   This will return (9184, 10.5, 'a')

In struct.js:

var data = '\xe0#\x00\x00\x00\x00(Aa';
struct.unpack("Ifc", data); //  This will return [9184, 10.5, "a"]

The function syntax:

struct.unpack(fmt, string)

Arguments: fmt a string containing the types and endianess:

First Character is endianess (Optional)

  • @ Little Endian
  • = Little Endian
  • < Little Endian
  • > Big Endian
  • ! Big Endian

First and/or other characters as the format:

  • Format - C Type - Size - Description
  • x Pad Byte - 1 - This just skips one byte at the data
  • c char - 1 - String of Length 1
  • b signed char - 1 - Integer
  • B unsigned char - 1 - Integer
  • ? boolean - 1 - Boolean
  • h short int - 2 - Int
  • H unsigned short - 2 - Integer
  • i int - 4 - Integer
  • I unsigned int - 4 - Integer
  • l long integer - 4 - Integer
  • L unsigned long - 4 - Integer
  • q long long - 8 - Integer
  • Q unsigned long long - 8 - Integer
  • f float - 4 - Float
  • d double - 8 - Double
  • s char[] - ? - String
  • p char[] - ? - String
  • P void * - 4 - Integer

Returns : array with the elements