
Deserialize failed when the amount of key is larger

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I tested the serialize and deserialize example with more key-values (no boost version), but it deserialize failed.
const tsl::htrie_map<char, std::int64_t> map = {{"one", 1}, {"two", 2}, {"three", 3}, {"four", 4}};

const tsl::htrie_map<char, std::int64_t> map = { 
        {"one", 1}, 
        {"two", 2},
        {"three", 3}, 
        {"three234", 3},
        {"th324ree", 3},
        {"thr534543ee", 3},
        {"th56ree", 3},
        {"th54ree", 3},
        {"th45676ree", 3},
        {"th6ree", 3},
        {"th56ree", 3},
        {"three", 3},
        {"th4ghj5ree", 3},
        {"th678ree", 3},
        {"thj6h7ree", 3},
        {"thkire89e", 3},
        {"thghryuee", 3},
        {"thjrgyee", 3},
        {"thgjghjhree", 3},
        {"thhgjghhjhree", 3},
        {"thhgjree", 3},
        {"thhgjree", 3},
        {"thrjee", 3},
        {"tjhree", 3},
        {"tghhree", 3},
        {"thghjree", 3},
        {"tghjjghjhree", 3},
        {"thhjrghjee", 3},
        {"thrghjee", 3},
        {"thrghjee", 3},
        {"thrjghjee", 3},
        {"thhgree", 3},
        {"thhgree", 3},
        {"thjkree", 3},
        {"thklhree", 3},
        {"thpqweoip;oiree", 3},
        {"thasderee", 3},
        {"thr4w3ewqaqeree", 3},
        {"thewrsadree", 3},
        {"four", 4} 
};  // more than 30 key-values

Thank you for the report.

I tried it out with the list of values you provided and it seems to work well.

Do you have a full example? What kind of failure are you encountering?

Hi Tessil. I tested the same code on both Windows and Linux systems. On the Linux system, deserialization works correctly, but on Windows, it throws an exception (ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error). The following is the information about the system and compiler:

  • Windows 10: both msvc_x86 and msvc_x64 were tested.
  • Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS: g++ 10.5

I noticed a comment in htrie_hash.h that says 'MSVC < 2017 is not conformant'. But my MSVC version is 2019.

The test code is modified based on the provided example.

First, class serializer and class deserializer are exactly the same as in the example (no boost version). To debug, I added a try-catch block to deserializer::operator().

// serializer.h

#pragma once
#include <fstream>

class serializer {
    serializer(const char* file_name) {
        m_ostream.exceptions(m_ostream.badbit | m_ostream.failbit);

    template<class T,
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
        void operator()(const T& value) {
        m_ostream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&value), sizeof(T));

    void operator()(const char* value, std::size_t value_size) {
        m_ostream.write(value, value_size);

    std::ofstream m_ostream;

class deserializer {
    deserializer(const char* file_name) {
        m_istream.exceptions(m_istream.badbit | m_istream.failbit | m_istream.eofbit);

    template<class T,
        typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
        T operator()() {
        T value;

        m_istream.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value), sizeof(T));

        return value;

    void operator()(char* value_out, std::size_t value_size) {
            m_istream.read(value_out, value_size);
        catch (const std::ifstream::failure & e)
            std::cerr << "Exception occurred: " << e.what() << std::endl;

            if (m_istream.bad())
                std::cerr << "Stream is in a bad state (badbit set)." << std::endl;
            else if (m_istream.fail())
                std::cerr << "Stream operation failed (failbit set)." << std::endl;
            else if (m_istream.eof())
                std::cerr << "End of file reached (eofbit set)." << std::endl;

    std::ifstream m_istream;

Second, The function test_htrie_map creates a map containing n_element key-value pairs, then performs serialization and deserialization.

// main.cpp

#include "htrie/htrie_map.h"
#include "serializer.h"
using namespace tsl;

using mapType = htrie_map<char, int>;
void test_htrie_map(int n_element)
    // build a trie
    mapType map;
    for (int i = 0; i < n_element; i++)
        map.insert(std::to_string(i), i);

    // serialize
    const char* file_name = "htrie_map.data";
        serializer serial(file_name);
    // deserialize
        deserializer dserial(file_name);
        auto map_deserialized = mapType::deserialize(dserial);
        assert(map == map_deserialized);
    // query from the deserialized trie
        deserializer dserial(file_name);
        const bool hash_compatible = true;
        auto map_deserialized = 
            mapType::deserialize(dserial, hash_compatible);

        assert(map == map_deserialized);

        int count = 0;
        string prefix = "1";
        auto prefix_range = map_deserialized.equal_prefix_range(prefix);
        for(auto it = prefix_range.first; it != prefix_range.second; ++it) {
        std::cout << "count = " << count << std::endl;

int main()
    test_htrie_map(20);     // works well.
    test_htrie_map(30);     // throws an exception  

On the Ubuntu system, everything works well. On the Windows system, if n_element is larger than some value, the 'ios_base::failbit set: iostream stream error' will occur when deserializer calls function m_istream.read().

Can you try to open the file in binary mode with std::ios::binary? I forgot to put that in the non-Boost example.

Thank you, the program is now working correctly.