
Self-service roles

Closed this issue · 7 comments

ahnl commented

Create a slash command to add roles to oneself. The idea is to let people add custom roles to itself, such as @csgo @karhu or other roles.

  • /rooli (no params)
  • Returns an interaction response with multiselect dropdown to choose roles
lajp commented

Should it be /rolerather than /rooli because all the other commands are also English

The finglish is so strong in the whole project so does it even matter anymore

Perhaps it'd be good to use the French rôle for variety?

If we want to go for variety I'd suggest using Swedish, after all it's our second official language.

lajp commented

So then it would be /roll

If we want to go for variety I'd suggest using Swedish, after all it's our second official language.

I thought of this, but I thought it might cause confusion, as users may expect Testauskoira to be able to roll, and possibly even to do more tricks, like sit, or give paw.

That could be another feature request, to play with testauskoira.