
Nondex :debug failed to run on parameterized unit test

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Reproducible steps:

  • 1.Environment setup: Maven 3.6.0 and Java 1.8.0_292
  • 2.clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/OpenHFT/Chronicle-Wire 
cd Chronicle-Wire
  • 3.run with Nondex tool
mvn install -DskipTests
mvn test -Dtest=net.openhft.chronicle.wire.bytesmarshallable.BytesMarshallableTest#primitiveDto[0]
mvn edu.illinois:nondex-maven-plugin:1.1.2:nondex -Dtest=net.openhft.chronicle.wire.bytesmarshallable.BytesMarshallableTest#primitiveDto[0]
mvn edu.illinois:nondex-maven-plugin:1.1.2:debug -Dtest=net.openhft.chronicle.wire.bytesmarshallable.BytesMarshallableTest#primitiveDto[0]

we find mvn test -Dtest=...#primitiveDto[0] and mvn ...:nondex -Dtest=...#primitiveDto[0] can work normally, but mvn ...:debug -Dtest=...#primitiveDto[0] can't run the test and no debug file is generated.
sreenshot of :debug

To make this fully reproducible, I want to confirm that the SHA for OpenHFT/Chronicle-Wire is 53845b01a9c03d944c8428c6b1f9b165010f6356.

Also, by saying no debug file is generated, do you mean that cat /home/yiming22/github.com/TestingResearchIllinois/final_project/Chronicle-Wire/.nondex/+vzmUJi2I... (please copy whatever prints after AT: here) returns nothing? I guess the file may still exists, but there is nothing in it.

1.oh I forgot to attach the SHA: b5e686af677c32dac5f867af2a81fd285c014bb7.

2.actually there seems to be no debug file
No such file or directory

Thanks for reporting this issue! I also ran into such kind of issues occasionally. I hope that this valid issue will be fixed.