
Feature request: A little more control over alignment

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In the life section, it would be super useful if there were a couple of drop down boxes for alignment so each of the axis could be locked independently.

e.g. [Random] [Good] or [Chaotic] [Random] or [Lawful] [ Good]

Sorry, in the character generator, around dnd/dnd-char-gen.html:292.

<h3 style="display: inline; margin-right: 30px;">Life:</h3>
<button class="lock-button" id="life-lock-button" onclick="LockFunctions.TryLock('life')"><i
class="fas fa-lock-open"></i></button>
<button type="button" onclick="Generate.LifeInput()">Generate</button><br><br>
<ul id="lifesection" style="min-height: 45rem;"></ul>
<sub>Refer to Xanathar's Guide (starting on page 61) for supplementary tables.</sub>

Though looking at how it generates, there's no link between the alignment and the rest is there?

newLife.Alignment = Random.Array(life.alignments);

So it could either be handled separately or I could just ignore what the generator comes up with.

Yeah, the life section is made with the expectation that you'll ignore whatever parts you don't like