
A formerly short suggestion; Regarding Certain Features, or the Lack Thereof

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Please excuse me if this request is a misuse of this feature as I am new to Github, however after reviewing some of the posts in 'Issues,' I have determined that this is the most suitable method of contacting the author of the statblock generator.

As a longtime user of tetra-cube's D&D 5e Statblock Generator, I wish to make a few suggestions, which I would dare to pose as requests:
• Firstly, I would request the ability to modify specific values such as adding half of the Monster's Charisma modifier (or another, more arbitrary value) to a saving throw or skill checks. The simplest way of doing so would seem to be allowing the user to add a custom value for that saving throw, replacing the normal saving throw proficiency.
• Secondly, I would request the integration of a system which assists in the calculation of CR, though I understand adding such a mechanic into an existing framework that wasn't designed for it would potentially prove overly difficult.
• Thirdly, I would request the ability to specifically show and modify a monster's initiative bonus, either in the top part of the stat block, or else via some formatting tool such as [INTV + 5] or [INTV + INT], or some similar function.
• Fourthly, I would request the ability to toggle the visibility of titles for Lair Actions and Regional Effects; If this was implemented as the default, rather than a toggleable feature, you could also implement a formatting option for titles that allows a user to hide the titles of certain traits, which leads me to my fifth request;
• Fifth, and finally, Having noted such traits in certain newer stat blocks, I would request the ability to hide the title of Reactions specifically. The most blatant example of such a trait is on Vecna's stat block, where the first line dictates the number of reactions he can take per round. In my opinion, the most reasonable way to add such a feature without implementing my fourth request would be to add an option (similar to the Legendary Creature option) which adds a writeable line of text there without mechanically changing any of the existing functions (I think).

I will admit that I have no coding experience beyond some very basic XML, so my suggestions on implementation may be entirely un-helpful. I do apologize if my tone in writing this seemed dismissive of the complexities of creating such a tool, and I also apologize if my tone was demanding, as that was not my intent. Finally, I would apologize if this post was overly-wordy; In typing such a missive, I only wanted to ensure that my ideas were construed in as useful and clear of a fashion as possible.