
how to enable new ui?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'll start saying that I'm perfectly fine with the theme rn, but I'd like to know why my spotify looks like the picture below, with no rounded borders and different background colors (wrt the screens on the main page of the repo). I updated spotify 2 months ago and got the rounded corners, but then they got removed by another update. Is that normal?


Its becuase spotify reverted their new ui to old for now. but sure will be released later.
No worries spicetify got your back follow this to get the new UI

I think you have installed Nord Spotify two times (marketplace and manually) uninstall the manual one by running this command in powershell.

iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Tetrax-10/Nord-Spotify/master/install-scripts/uninstall.ps1 | iex


uninstall the marketplace one

Ok perfect, thank you 😄