
Dynamic color resets after opening different playlist

Closed this issue · 4 comments

when I use the Dynamic theme with Atmosphere (Best) mode and click into another playlist it resets to a grey color.
Playing song:
After clicking to another playlist:
If I go back into the playing playlist and doubleclick on the playing song/start it over the color stays gray. I have to start another song so the dynamic theme reacts.
If I use any other mode like Average of Colors or Dark/Light Vibrant, this behaviour doesn't occur.

Is this normal for the Atmosphere mode?

PS: My config:
I tried installing it via Marketplace and the Powershell script.

Nord Spotify Changes color when the cover art changes. Song change, page change such as switching to a diff playlist page can cause the cover art to change. If the cover art chagnes dynamic color changes.

This bug occurs in Made for You playlist, song/playlist/artist radio playlist, as the cover art for those playlist's are in diff format, Atmosphere and average color mode is not supported its not fixable as thats how spotify intended to format those cover arts. So dark vibrant, light vibrant can work with Made for You, song/playlist/artist radio playlists


Thanks for the clarification.
I am coming from JulienMaille's dribbblish-dynamic-theme and spicetify-dynamic-theme and those didn't have this issue. Is there a way to stop the color change from happening on a page change? Or is there like universal coding of cover, so it cannot be detected which is which...?
I am just trying to understand it. Those previous theme were broken roughly after every third Spotify update, so that might have been why...

JulienMaille's dribbblish-dynamic-theme and spicetify-dynamic-theme dont have those bugs as they just use spotify's default color extraction method. but Nord Spotify's Atmosphere mode gets accurate colors from a API request where only user, playlist, song cover art are supported (no support for made for you, radio).

Use this option to disable cover art while page change

I thought I tried it...maybe I had extra extensions that conflicted as it didn't work. Now it does.
I just needed song color extraction. This is perfect!
Thank you so much @Tetrax-10