
How to change color scheme

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've tried everything to get the darker version of this skin, but no matter what I do, I just can't seem to make it work; I saw that someone opened an issue here and I tried the solution multiple times- I even manually installed the skin, but I can only get the original lighter blue/grey version to show. (ss below of the PowerShell command not working). I was wondering if maybe there's something I missed?


Writing this now, I just spotted that an error occurs under the spicetify line, still not sure why it occurs there though.

#2 is old method
Now you can change them from nord-spotify settings. The code base have changed so this is the new method

if you are getting errors then once again install the theme with the installation script

#2 is old method Now you can change them from nord-spotify settings. The code base have changed so this is the new method image

if you are getting errors then once again install the theme with the installation script

Thank you for the help, the installation script + the settings method worked

Is the old method still supported?