
Why does it look like this? It was good before but now i gotta scroll a page down to see the playlist

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is this happening for this song or for all the songs?
how did you install the theme marketplace or manual?

installed it on marketplace and no matter what song I play it will look like this

send your config

I'm having the same issue, but it has been happening ever since i'v install the theme (via marketplace).
I tried installing the theme again from the github but nothing.


send your config

This is my config:

prefs_path                    /home/betzalel-maor/.config/spotify/prefs
color_scheme                  Spotify
check_spicetify_upgrade       0
spotify_path                  /usr/share/spotify/
current_theme                 Nord-Spotify
inject_css                    1
replace_colors                1
overwrite_assets              1

remove_rtl_rule               1
expose_apis                   1
disable_upgrade_check         1
disable_sentry                1
disable_ui_logging            1

experimental_features         1
extensions                    injectNord.js
custom_apps                   marketplace
sidebar_config                1
home_config                   1

with                          2.14.1


Screenshot from 2022-11-19 22-06-13

This theme doent support linux. Sorry ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

This theme doent support linux. Sorry ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

I have exactly the same issue but on Windows 11, is it normal ?

This theme doent support linux. Sorry ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

I have exactly the same issue but on Windows 11, is it normal ?

No update Spotify and Spicetify to the latest version.

Currently Nord Spotify supports Spotify 1.1.98 and Spicetify 2.14.1 also update marketplace if you have it installed

Same issue on Windows. Latest Spotify version and Spicetify 2.14.1, theme installed from the Marketplace.

Banner takes up the entire screen until scrolling down, config and screenshots below.

Not entirely sure if this is the expected behaviour or not, if it is then an option to disable this in settings would be great as it's the only thing letting down a really good theme.


expose_apis           = 1
disable_upgrade_check = 1
disable_sentry        = 1
disable_ui_logging    = 1
remove_rtl_rule       = 1

home_config           = 1
experimental_features = 1
custom_apps           = marketplace|name-that-tune
sidebar_config        = 1
extensions            = 


spotify_launch_flags    = 
spotify_path            = C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\Spotify
replace_colors          = 1
overwrite_assets        = 0
check_spicetify_upgrade = 0
prefs_path              = C:\Users\Tom\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\prefs
inject_css              = 1
current_theme           = marketplace
color_scheme            = 

version =
with    = 2.14.1

Playlists open like this:


Therefore meaning I have to scroll down quite a bit to see the playlist contents:


Not entirely sure if this is the expected behaviour or not, if it is then an option to disable this in settings would be great as it's the only thing letting down a really good theme.

Thats its behaviour. if i have time i will make an option to disable it

I'm having the same issue, but it has been happening ever since i'v install the theme (via marketplace). I tried installing the theme again from the github but nothing.

You have 1.1.84, Update Spotify to 1.1.99
This is the latest version on linux and nord spotify supports it

Hello, is there a option to disable this behavior? I want to disable having to scroll each time you enter a playlist

Like disabling that big banners? Yeah currently that option is under development