
Watch Highlander for the first time

willmcgugan opened this issue Β· 10 comments

  • Watch the 1986 Blockbuster movie Highlander, starring Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery
  • Understand that while the lead was a French actor playing the Scottish hero, it totally made sense to have Sean Connery play a Spanish guy
  • Be able to use the catchline "There can be only one" in conversation
  • Know enough of the lyrics to Queen's "Its a kind of magic" to pretend to sing along
  • Accept the truth that 80s movies are the best movies

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Is it the 1st of April today and I just slept through the entire Q1 of 2023?

davep commented
  • For bonus points: point out the Neil Young connection.
davep commented

Meta: I think we should pin this issue.

Might I suggesting adding "Do NOT see the sequels"

Bonus points

[ ] have the catchphrase β€œ There can be only one” as a meaningful comment or string in the codebase of textual, e.g, when using a singleton pattern in a test fixture

davep commented

My greatest regret so far is not trying to sneak in the obvious exception name when I added this.

I don't get it. This issue is still open?!

ofek commented

At work we have some members that have not seen The Lord of the Rings movies and I'm trying to incorporate that into our OKRs. This is serious stuff.

I was recently in a quaint little Portuguese village and got talking to an elderly portuguese lady in a shop, her English wasn't great and she asks me where I'm from, I tell her Scotland, and she replies "AH, SO YOU'RE AN IMMORTAL!". It was so out of place it took me about half a day to realise she was referring to me being a MacCleud of the clan MacCleud descendant :) made my year.