
Textual CLI with new python version not updating

arjunj132 opened this issue · 1 comments

Earlier today, I install python 3.12 using asdf (on my mac) and its working fine with the command python3 and pip3, with the updated version, but not with the textual command.

So when I downloaded it, all my dependencies were erased. Just running my textual app using python3 <app>.py doesn't work. But when I use textual run <app>.py, it works fine. And downloading a dependency using pip and using it in my app will result in a error saying that dependency is not found, meaning that textual run ... is using the older python.

I kind of bypassed this using

sudo nano ~/.zshrc

And then adding an alias:

alias textual="python3 -m textual_dev"

(The python3 -m textual_dev uses the new python version and works)

My older python is still accessible using /usr/bin/python3, like the system executable, so I'm guessing the textual cli is using that version.

____@macbook % python3 --version
Python 3.12.2
____@macbook % /usr/bin/python3 --version
Python 3.9.6

I'm proposing just a textual cli option to set the python executable to like python3 or py or python or /usr/bin/python3 or whatever, or at least a flag for it.

Sorry but I'm struggling to understand the issue here. Are you suggesting you think there's a Textual problem with Python 3.12? Or is this a problem with multiple Python versions installed, which has nothing to do with Textual?