
Escape sequences after exiting app with `run(mouse=False)`

TomJGooding opened this issue · 4 comments

I found this while experimenting with the new mouse parameter added to App.run in Textual v0.55.0.

Try exiting the app below and then moving the mouse in your terminal:

from textual.app import App

class ExampleApp(App):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app = ExampleApp()

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Actually if you try moving your mouse around for a few seconds while the app is running, it will crash with:

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x82 in position 4: invalid start byte

Maybe worth knowing:
I also noticed the run_async default behavior has changed. By default it now has mouse=False, so launching as a regular TUI app result in the same error as @TomJGooding mentioned.

Of course, it's easily fixable but brought me some questions as I haven't noticed anything related in the latest release note. And noticed that, because we use it like asyncio.run(app.run_async()) instead of app.run() because of the need for our own event loop (apart from that, I don't see anything wrong with it since it's a public interface)

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