
Relative links in docs are not correct

valentingregoire opened this issue · 10 comments

In some places in the docs, relative links to other pieces in the docs are incorrect:

It seems that all links that are in sub folder that pointing to a relative location yield a 404 (redirected to the 404 page).

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It would be helpful to know how they're incorrect? What exactly are you seeing that is incorrect?

Fixed in: #4390

Also fixed typo bakcground to background.

It would be helpful to know how they're incorrect? What exactly are you seeing that is incorrect?

@davep, just click the links and you'll see. All relative links of documents inside a folder are impacted it seems.

I clicked both the links before asking for clarification.

Updated to state that you get redirected to the 404 page.

@davep The links @valentingregoire is referring to are in those pages, in the Syntax section. The links in the description are fine.

I have recreated the links in the description of this issue, just like they are displayed in the docs section where I am pointing at.

in the Syntax section

Thanks @willmcgugan -- I'd initially clicked every possible link I could find before originally asking for clarification, but hadn't even registered that that was a link in the syntax section.

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