
Interactive widgets in inline mode appear "laggy" as of 0.56.2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Using 0.56.2, if you run up this code:

from textual.app import App, ComposeResult
from textual.widgets import Checkbox, Input

class InlineLagApp(App[None]):
    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
        yield Checkbox("Toggle this and note nothing happens")
        yield Input(
            placeholder="The above will update if you tab here, this will appear laggy to type into"

if __name__ == "__main__":

the application gives the feel of being "laggy". For example, run it up and then:

  • Press space on the Checkbox and notice it doesn't toggle.
  • After a while, tab to the Input and notice the Checkbox finally updates (moving the mouse can have the same effect).
  • Type into the Input and notice that it does refresh, but it's very laggy -- a keystroke takes a significant fraction of a second to appear.

Actually, I think this might be a bit more subtle that reported above. The above was experienced in kitty (0.33.1, macOS). If I try the same in iTerm (3.49.23, macOS) the Checkbox seems to behave/refresh fine, but typing into the Input still has the same laggy feel.

WezTerm (macOS) shows the same behaviour as kitty.

Fixed in 0.56.3

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Awesome, thanks. Looking fine in iTerm, although I'm still seeing some odd laggy behaviour with inputs in kitty (and to some extend in wez too). This feels like a slightly different issue though so I'll dig a bit deeper and raise a fresh issue if I can come up with something reproducible.