
All TextAreas have blinking cursors after switching back to a previously selected tab

Closed this issue · 2 comments


from textual.app import App, ComposeResult
from textual.widgets import TabbedContent, TabPane, TextArea

class TabbedTextAreaApp(App[None]):

    def compose(self) -> ComposeResult:
        with TabbedContent():
            for tab in ("one", "two"):
                with TabPane(f"{tab}.py"):
                    for _ in range(3):
                        yield TextArea(language="python")

if __name__ == "__main__":

To reproduce behavior: Start program, click on tab two, then click on one. Notice that all the text areas have blinking cursors.
A workaround I've done is to set cursor_blink to False and then back to True on TabActivated.


Textual Diagnostics


Name Value
Textual 0.56.4
Rich 13.7.1


Name Value
Version 3.8.10
Implementation CPython
Compiler GCC 9.4.0
Executable /usr/bin/python3

Operating System

Name Value
System Linux
Release 4.4.0-19041-Microsoft
Version #3996-Microsoft Thu Jan 18 16:36:00 PST 2024


Name Value
Terminal Application vscode (1.88.1)
TERM xterm-256color
COLORTERM truecolor
NO_COLOR Not set

Rich Console options

Name Value
size width=203, height=31
legacy_windows False
min_width 1
max_width 203
is_terminal True
encoding utf-8
max_height 31
justify None
overflow None
no_wrap False
highlight None
markup None
height None

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