
Your .dependabot/config.yml contained invalid details

dependabot-preview opened this issue · 2 comments

Dependabot encountered the following error when parsing your .dependabot/config.yml:

The property '#/' did not contain a required property of 'update_configs'
The property '#/' contains additional properties ["updates"] outside of the schema when none are allowed
The property '#/version' value 2 did not match one of the following values: 1

Please update the config file to conform with Dependabot's specification using our docs and online validator.

Hello @dependabot-preview[bot], thank you for your interest in our work!

If this is a bug report, please provide screenshots and minimum viable code to reproduce your issue, otherwise we can not help you.

This config file is no longer used as this repo is using a version: 2 config file (.github/dependabot.yml).