
Upload folder as tree.

Deshdeepak1 opened this issue · 9 comments

The files when uploading folder are uploaded all together. Wouldn't it be better if they are uploaded in tree format.
For e.g. if this is tree in the server,

  • /dir1/dir2/dir3
    - dir4
    - f1
    - dir5
    - dir6
    - f2
    - f3
    - f4
    and if we want to upload entire dir3, it should we uploaded as
    dir3 (as msg)
    dir3/dir4 (as msg)
    f1 (as file)
    dir3/dir4 (as msg)
    dir3/dir5 (as msg)
    dir3/dir5/dir6 (as msg)
    f2 (as file)
    dir3/dir5/dir6 (as msg)
    f3 (as file)
    dir3/dir5 (as msg)
    f4 (as file)
    dir3 (as msg)
    Should I make aPR of that ?

Good if you can do then send pr

Will try. I have already did it in pyrogram.
Have you tried recently to use your userbot locally , I am just getting errors and errors. Or it just for Heroku.

Good thanks for suggestion mee to will try
Actually i never tried using it locally by end of this month will try my best to make it to host locally

I did create a PR.
Also your uploadir has issues with thumbs , ever try uploading folder with mp4s .

yaa thq

Thanks for the merge. Will you kindly add hacktoberfest-accepted label.

i dont have idea about that hacktoberfest bro

Just go to the right of this PR . You will see the label option . Click on its setting and type hacktoberfest-accepted . Thanks Anyway.

Or just add hactoberfest label in your repo, from main page. But beaware it might increase spam.