
Error rather than degrade if inference fails

banool opened this issue · 3 comments

banool commented

One thing I notice is if you don't have the right module ID the type inference still proceeds but it misses a lot of information.

For example, this gives me rich type information:

type ABITAble = DefaultABITable & {
  "0x296102a3893d43e11de2aa142fbb126377120d7d71c246a2f95d5b4f3ba16b30::chess": typeof CHESS_ABI;

But this doesn't:

type ABITAble = DefaultABITable & {
  "0x296102a3893d43e11de2aa142fbb126377120d7d71c246a2f95d5b4f3ba16b30::Chess": typeof CHESS_ABI;

I would rather the second case be an error rather than it just degrade silently.

@banool After some investigation, I think the best solution is change this ABITable from a Record type to a list.

In this example:

type ABITAble = DefaultABITable & {
  "0x296102a3893d43e11de2aa142fbb126377120d7d71c246a2f95d5b4f3ba16b30::chess": typeof CHESS_ABI;

The key "0x296102a3893d43e11de2aa142fbb126377120d7d71c246a2f95d5b4f3ba16b30::chess" is redundant because CHESS_ABI already have those address and name information. So this is enough:

type ABITAble = [
  typeof CHESS_ABI,
  typeof ANOTHER_ABI,


Seems much better to me!

@banool We have release the change in 1.6.0. Now the ABITable should be a list:

import { DefaultABITable } from "@thalalabs/surf";
import { createSurfClient } from '@thalalabs/surf';
import { Aptos } from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';

type ABITAble = [
    typeof FIXED_POINT64_ABI

const client = createSurfClient<ABITAble>(new Aptos());

And btw, for enhanced security, we now publish all packages, including Surf, on Github Packages instead of npm registry. To install Surf, now you need to add a .npmrc config. You can find more details in Feel free to share your feedback.