
Bower and configuration interference

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I try to install this module but a got this error message :

>> Source file "/my_project_path/node_modules/grunt-semantic-ui/bower_components/semantic/src/definitions/globals/reset.less" not found.
Warning: Unable to read "/my_project_path/node_modules/grunt-semantic-ui/bower_components/semantic/src/definitions/globals/reset.less" file (Error code: ENOENT). Use --force to continue.

Looking in the module directory I found that in fact the file is missing. But I also see that bower has installed the bower libs into a another directory


I recognized that this tree app/Resources/lib/ is the root for bower libs that I have configured in my .bowerrc

  "directory": "app/Resources/lib/",
  "json" : "bower.json"

It seems that bower configuration in the module and bower in my project interfere.