
Creating subsets from a loop, always crashes after the first one

GeoHaz7 opened this issue · 2 comments

so im trying to create subsets based on a loop of models that i have, unfortunately it always creates the first one then it crashes, with error :

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'mesh')

const createSubsetsFromArray = async () => {
    await Promise.all( (model) => {
            const { ifcApi } = props;
            try {
                const subset = ifcApi.IFC.loader.ifcManager.createSubset({
                    modelID: model.modelID,
                    ids: Array.from(new Set(model.geometry.attributes.expressID.array)),
                    applyBVH: true,
                    scene: model.parent,
                    removePrevious: true,
                    customID: 'full-model-subset' + model.modelID,
                return subset; // Add a return statement here to return the subset
            } catch (error) {
                console.error(`Error creating subset for model ${model.modelID}: ${error}`);
                return null; // Return null if an error occurs

I'm not very experimented with promises, but: What if you try to set an "await" in the const subset?

const subset = await ifcApi.IFC.loader.ifcManager.createSubset

I also suspect that you are you are skipping the await of a promise. Have you tried something simpler?

const subsets = [];
for(const model of models) {
   const subset = await  ifcApi.IFC.loader.ifcManager.createSubset({ ... });

Alternatively, you can also use the dev tools and, if it fails, see where it fails. Cheers!