
Password Hashing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

To protect user data, passwords should be hashed (and salted) instead of being stored in cleartext.

Example solution

  • Create a hash.js file in src/util/
  • Call the hash file from both log_in and sign_up (in src/logIn.js)

A query will also be needed to format all current passwords stored in the database to the hash algorithm in hash.js

From research, the package crypto seems to be a good solution.


const crypto = require('crypto');
const hash = crypto.createHash('md5');

const password = hash.update('Password2022').digest('hex');
/* Password2022 => 666f0845b1e9461ef1e654555efdb137 */

Enhancement has been added

The crypto hash method has been implemented into the project, along with a set of unit tests (test/registration.js)

  • Implemented feature into login/signup: 48c0381
  • Created hash.js and tests: 1c25ea0