
Issues with title ids

thedax opened this issue · 10 comments

  • Title ids are 16 hex digits long, but you can only use 8, otherwise the program forces the titleid to be 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
  • If title id is omitted from control.nacp (by not setting APP_TITLEID in the homebrew makefile), it gets set to zero, and if installed to the console, apparently removes all installed games and becomes rather difficult to remove; can we perhaps have some sort of mitigation against this?

well valid title id range is:
0x0100000000000000 - 0x01ffffffffffffff
if you choose a title id within this range, and if it doesn't have any conflict with system and other installed titles tids, you'll be fine

also added nacp tid verification in v0.99-beta.2, thank you for offering this

That's the problem (with the first issue), though. Even if I set APP_TITLEID := 01ffffffffffffff or APP_TITLEID := 0x01ffffffffffffff or some other desired id to test with, it always produces an nacp with an invalid title id, or with the case of beta2, it says it's bad title id 00000000ffffffff. The same thing happens even if I use the homebrew loader template provided in the repo. It just does not want to produce the desired title id. I've already tried deleting the nacp and recreating it, recreating the npdm and rebuilding main nso, etc., to no avail.

well are you using latest libnx and switch-tools?
and what's your os?

it's something that's related to switch-tools from switchbrew (nacptool.c)

Windows 10, and devkitPro's pacman -Sy (and -Syu) reports no new updates, so everything should be up to date.

i think there's something wrong with switch-tools on windows
i suggest you to run ubuntu via WSL, check agian and tell me the result

@thedax use linkle to generate the nacp

Linkle generates the nacp correctly. I'll test with devkitPro's nacp maker on Linux later as well. WSL doesn't really work that well with devkitPro in my experience, so I prefer to use a real Linux machine or a VM for that sort of thing.

Can't reproduce on Linux, so it's a Windows bug with nacptool it seems like. Sorry for the trouble, and thanks for helping out.

There's no need to say sorry
Feel free to create issues anytime


I'm also submitting a pull request to the switchbrew switch-tools repo, so this should be ironed out soon.