Unable to import Inkpot files to Unreal Project when project path uses spaces.
Closed this issue · 3 comments
kgeisler commented
One of our team members was unable to import .ink files to the project until we realized the project path had spaces in it. Seems that it could not find the temp files created in Plugins\Inkpot\Intermediate\InkCommandLine\1\2
Removing the spaces solved the issue, but figured I would report this to be investigated.
huntsfromshadow commented
This is true even if it is a top level directory and the source file is showing a relative path.
c:\code\unreal projects\TestProject
The source file is in c:\code\unreal projects\TestProject\StorySource
UI shows a relative link:
Started working when I renamed unreal projects to unreal_projects
TCR-Nick commented
Thanks, well look into getting this fixed.
TCR-Nick commented
this is now fixed