Intro To Regex Cheat Sheet!

Here are some snippets to get started!

Name Info Example
Flags g=global, I=insensitive /cat/gi
letters You know letters /dog/
digits You know digits /12/
Character Set/Class Brackets /[aeiou]/
Negated Character Set Carrot and brackets /[^aeiou]/
O or more * /a*/
1 or more + /a+/
0 or 1 ? /a?/
Start of string Carrot, no brackets /^hi/
End of string Dollar sign /bye$/
Quantifier exactly Braces, one number /AH{10}/
Quantifier at least X many Braces, one number and comma /OH{3,}/
Quantifier exact range Braces, two comma separated numbers /WO{2,4}W/
Groups Parens with optional pipe OR operator /(my)\s(cat|dog)/

Special Characters

Character Class Definition
[0-9] Any single digit
[3-30] And number in range
[a-z] Any lowercase letter
[a-d] Any lowercase letter in range
[A-Z] Any uppercase letter
[E-Q] Any uppercase letter
[a-zA-Z] Any letter
\d Any single digit
\D Any NON digit
\w Any alphanumeric (and _)
\W Any NON alphanumeric
\s Any whitespace character
\S Any NON whitespace character
\b Any work break
\B Any NON word break
. Any character at all
\. An escaped period