
[FEATURE REQUEST] Integrate Graph Algorithms with Interactive Visualization

sdawson85 opened this issue · 2 comments

What would you like to Propose?

I propose the integration of a set of graph algorithms along with interactive visualizations to enhance the learning and understanding of these algorithms.

Issue details

Current State: The repository provides implementations of various algorithms, but it lacks interactive elements, especially for complex algorithms like those used in graph theory. Understanding graph algorithms purely through code can be challenging for learners or those new to the field.
Proposed Feature: Add a collection of graph algorithms (like Dijkstra's, A*, Kruskal's, Prim's, etc.) with an interactive web-based visualization tool. This tool would allow users to:
Create custom graphs (nodes and edges) and apply different algorithms to see step-by-step execution.
Visualize the algorithm's decision-making process, highlighting changes in the graph as the algorithm progresses.
Interactively change parameters (like start and end nodes in pathfinding algorithms) and immediately see the effects.
Benefits: This feature will significantly enhance the educational value of the repository, making it a more effective resource for learning complex algorithms. It would also attract more users and contributors interested in algorithm visualizations and educational tools.
Implementation Considerations:
The visualization tool could be implemented as a separate module or an accompanying web application.
Leveraging existing JavaScript libraries for graph visualization (like D3.js or vis.js) can streamline development.
Ensure the tool is user-friendly and accessible to those with varying levels of algorithm knowledge.

Additional Information

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