generate code python for a emulator to the crash game and connected with the account number: 1045548171. password: kick-ass23.
Mombogreg opened this issue · 1 comments
Mombogreg commented
generate code python for a emulator to the crash game and connected with the account number: 1045548171.
password: kick-ass23.
monishvijai commented
import random
import time
class CrashGameEmulator:
def init(self, initial_balance):
self.balance = initial_balance
def simulate_crash(self):
"""Simulates the crash multiplier"""
crash_multiplier = round(random.uniform(1.0, 10.0), 2)
return crash_multiplier
def play_round(self, bet_amount):
"""Plays a single round of the crash game"""
if bet_amount > self.balance:
print("Insufficient balance!")
print("\nStarting game... 🚀")
crash_multiplier = self.simulate_crash()
time.sleep(1) # Simulate time for crash buildup
print(f"Crash multiplier: {crash_multiplier}x")
cash_out_multiplier = float(input("Enter your cash-out multiplier (or 0 to risk it all): "))
if cash_out_multiplier > crash_multiplier or cash_out_multiplier <= 0:
print("Oops! The game crashed before you could cash out.")
self.balance -= bet_amount
winnings = bet_amount * cash_out_multiplier
self.balance += winnings - bet_amount
print(f"You cashed out successfully and won: ${winnings - bet_amount:.2f}")
print(f"New Balance: ${self.balance:.2f}")
return crash_multiplier
def main():
print("Welcome to the Crash Game Emulator! 🎮")
initial_balance = float(input("Enter your initial balance: "))
emulator = CrashGameEmulator(initial_balance)
while True:
print(f"\nCurrent Balance: ${emulator.balance:.2f}")
bet = float(input("Enter your bet amount (or 0 to quit): "))
if bet == 0:
print("Thanks for playing! Goodbye!")
if name == "main":